Video and Podcasts
- "Reducing Sprawl, Poverty & Inequality By Terminating Land Speculation" a 1 hour webinar at the Just Economy Conference, sponsored by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, May 2021.
- “Collecting the Hidden Value of Public Transit.” Rybeck leads a panel discussion about transit funding at a 2019 conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
- “Land Value Return & Recycling: Funding Infrastructure for Prosperity, Sustainability & Equity.” Rybeck speaks at Build Maine, June 2018.
- “Funding Infrastructure with Value Capture,” Transportation Research Board Recorded Presentation, March 2019
- “Funding Infrastructure for Prosperity, Equity & Sustainability,” Strong Towns Podcast #164, January 31, 2014
- “Funding Infrastructure for Affordable & Sustainable Communities,” The Center for State Innovation, State Policy Directors’ Meeting, October 2011
- “Land Value Return and Building a More Equitable Economy," Shareable, January 27, 2022
- Gentrification & Blight: Relationship to Involuntary Displacement,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 79, No. 2, p. 541, March, 2020
- “Avoiding Misgivings: Recycling Community-Created Land Values for Affordability, Sustainability and Equity,” Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development Law, Vol 28 No 2, p. 299, October 2019
- “The Jobs-Housing Hamster Wheel,” August 20, 2018
- “Financing Infrastructure with Value Capture: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly,” February 21, 2018
- “Want Affordable Housing? Look to the Land,” Solid Ground Campaign Blog, May 17, 2016 (JE_AffordableHousing.pdf)
- “Funding Infrastructure to Rebuild Equitable, Green Prosperity,” Revitalization News, July 15, 2015
- “Fixing the Political Disconnect Between Infrastructure Needs and Funding,” GOVERNING, October 3, 2013
- “Break the Boom and Bust Cycle,” Rick Rybeck and Walter Rybeck, PM Magazine, August 2012
- “Economic Incentives for Affordable and Sustainable Development,” on the Zintro Blog, June 27, 2012
- “Using Value Capture to Finance Infrastructure and Encourage Compact Development” in PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT & POLICY, Vol. 8 No. 4, April 2004, pp. 249-260.
- Transit-Induced Land Values: Development & Revenue Implications, Economic Development Commentary (CUED) Vol 5, No 4, October 1981
- “Guidebook to Funding Transportation Through Land Value Return and Recycling (NCHRP Report 873)” Transportation Research Board, April, 2018
- “Funding Long-Term Infrastructure for Growth, Sustainability & Equity,” DC Tax Revision Commission, September 20, 2013; Also, links to appendices to this report can be obtained from the DC Tax Revision website.
- “Public Acceptability of Road Use Pricing-Literature Review,” Just Economics, The Brookings Institution, April 28, 2012
- “Clean Air Compliance Fee Act of 1994,” DC Law 10-242, was drafted by Rybeck when he worked for the Honorable Hilda H.M. Mason.
- “Infrastructure Perversity: Why No Good Deed Goes Unpunished,” Martin Tuchman School of Management, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Infrastructure Finance Workshop: Neward, NJ, Nov 17, 2017
- “Value Capture Methods,” Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting: Washington, DC, January 11, 2015
- “Revitalizing Markets and Achieving Smart Growth,” Southern New England American Planning Association Conference: Hartford, CT, Sept 20, 2012
- “Transit-Oriented Development and Value Capture: What is it? Does it work? How can you use it? Stories and Lessons from the Front Lines,” Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group’s Second Annual Community Development Summit: Pittsburgh, PA, May 24, 2012
- “Value Capture’s Potential to Fund Transit,” Transit: Critical Issues Symposium sponsored by the DeVoe Moore Center, Florida State University: Tallahassee, FL, May 15, 2012
- “Tactical Urbanism, Economics and Community,” The 20th Congress for New Urbanism: West Palm Beach, FL, May 12, 2012
- “Integrating Transportation & Land Use for Sustainability & Equity,” World Bank, Brown Bag Lunch Series, Washington, DC, April 11, 2012
- “Funding Infrastructure for Affordable & Sustainable Communities,” The Center for State Innovation, State Policy Directors’ Meeting, October 2011
- “Successfully Financing Mixed-Use Development and Place-Making Infrastructure,” Solutions for Sustainable Communities: Washington, DC, September 26, 2011
- “Toward Sustainable Infrastructure,” American Planning Association, PA Chapter: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Oct 3-5, 2010
- “User Fees for the Invisible User,” Innovations in Pricing of Transportation Systems: Orlando, Florida, May 13-14, 2010
- “Exploring Funding Through Real Estate Development” and “Potential & Scope for Non-Fare Revenue,” MetroRail 2010 Conference: London, England, March 22, 2010